Replace String in Unix
To replace all instances of a string in a directory (subdirectories included) do: Code: perl -e "s/FIND/REPLACE/g;" $(find path/to/DIRECTORY -type f) The above will make a backup temp file of your original If you do not want a temp file with the .save extension then do: Code: perl -e "s/FIND/REPLACE/g;" -pi $(find path/to/DIRECTORY -type f) -------------------- Example: You want to replace all instances of the word "design" with "dezine" in the directory /public_html/company/info you can execute the command from document root as Code: perl -e "s/design/dezine/g;" $(find public_html/company/info -type f) or you can execute the command from public_html/company/ (a directory above) as: Code: perl -e "s/design/dezine/g;" $(find info -type f) ------------------------------ The above commands will search all files (.gif, .jpg, .htm, .html, .txt) so you might see some erro...