
Below are some of my stuff done stored in Github. Most are experimental in nature, and are tweaked every now and then to explore new way of doing things. They can in no way be considered perfect hence.

Feel free to ask any questions related to them.

1. Google Radar Search
Exploring the Google Places API and how it can be used to derive coordinates of places of interest.

2. Google Nearby Search
Exploring the Google Places API and how it can be used to derive coordinates of places of interest. While it can only return 60 results per request, you can always send multiple request across several coordinates to get more results across larger area.

For the source codes, please visit my Ikanez Github - Google API

3. Social Network Exploration using Shiny
The R codes uses Shiny to enable user to generate an Erdos Renyi graph and explore the centralities measures of each nodes that have been generated in that graph. It also allows for user to infer the roles held by each node based on the network structure. More details in my blog post here.


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