A Retrospective Look On What it Means To Be A Data Scientist
The Sexiest Job - HBR I've talked about this subject in some of my posts in my earlier years of working as a data scientist, namely in these 2 blog posts: 1. Journey In Data Science 2. Hindsight, 8 Months Down The Analytics Road So now 3 years down the road, I guess I am a little more knowledgeable on the matter, a little bit wiser. Back to that definition I was talking about, recently there has been two articles which I think provides a good description of what are the skills needed to become a data scientist, and what are the role that a data scientist play in a day to day setting. In the final half of this post, I'll include my 2 cents on the articles and how it relates to my daily work. The Skills [1] Picking it up from Forbes (which in turn picked it up from Quora), the top 5 skills are: 1. Programming. I guess this is pretty much a no brainer. Programming skills do come in handy especially when you're trying to (1) massage data, and (2) auto...