Reproducible Research Using R Markdown
While doing research and analysis, an important aspect which normally goes unnoticed is documentation. Suffice to say however, if your research can't be reproduced - people will find it hard to give them any serious thought. Though documentation is a boring (yet crucial) task in anyone's research pipeline, the ability to document as you code is indeed helpful. In R, one can make use of R Markdown and the knitr package to do this. Below is a sample of my assignment (which deals with reproducible research) as part of John Hopkins Data Science Specialization course which I'm still currently going through. Had to pull an all-nighter last night since I've been procrastinating really bad as of late (which is rather evident in the kind of analysis that I did below) . Weather Events And It’s Affect To Population Hafidz Zulkifli Synopsis This report attempts to draw correlation between various weather events to consequences against the human populatio...